Thursday, January 9, 2020 11:30 am - 2:30 pmDuke Energy Building G - Clearwater Tour$30 members/$50 non-members First Time Facility Managers Fee Waived. Please contact Jennifer Rogers at 727-345-7544 to request registration. Please provide your business card to Stefany Aceves at the event. Clearwater Building G, new Engineering and Administrative building serving the greater Tampa Bay area. The building uses the Duke Energy’s Dynamic work place building standards. The mission of Dynamic Workplace is to provide trans-formative, engaging workplace solutions that offer choice, flexibility, and purpose; which enhances productivity and also inspires and empowers the workforce to excel in our customer delivery. Schedule: 11:30 - Registration-Networking Noon - Lunch and presentation Tour to follow Dress Code: Business Casual Parking instructions will be provided as we get closer to the date. Presenters: Lisa Echols – Duke Energy Project Developer Eric Rathburn – Duke Energy Asset Manager Walt Sparling – JLL Project Manager For a sneak peek please feel free to take a look at Duke's interactive 360 images of the building Energy Building G 2166 Palmetto Street Clearwater, FL 33765 Online registration only - payment in advance only. No registration or payments at the door. Deadline to register is Friday, January 3, 2020 Members must sign in to the website before registering to get the member rate. Sponsored by:
11:30 am - 2:30 pmDuke Energy Building G - Clearwater Tour
First Time Facility Managers Fee Waived. Please contact Jennifer Rogers at 727-345-7544 to request registration. Please provide your business card to Stefany Aceves at the event.
Clearwater Building G, new Engineering and Administrative building serving the greater Tampa Bay area. The building uses the Duke Energy’s Dynamic work place building standards. The mission of Dynamic Workplace is to provide trans-formative, engaging workplace solutions that offer choice, flexibility, and purpose; which enhances productivity and also inspires and empowers the workforce to excel in our customer delivery.
Schedule: 11:30 - Registration-Networking Noon - Lunch and presentation Tour to follow Dress Code: Business Casual Parking instructions will be provided as we get closer to the date.
Presenters: Lisa Echols – Duke Energy Project Developer Eric Rathburn – Duke Energy Asset Manager Walt Sparling – JLL Project Manager
For a sneak peek please feel free to take a look at Duke's interactive 360 images of the building
2166 Palmetto Street Clearwater, FL 33765
Members must sign in to the website before registering to get the member rate.
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