Vice President
Strategic Accounts & Services
Once considered by many to be a cost to be minimized, cleaning has become a basic health and safety necessity.There is genuine concern about transmission and, as a result, occupants want assurance that facilities are doing everything in their power to keep them safe, a reality that demands an effective cleaning and disinfection program.Yet, much of the information that is being shared is inaccurate, misleading or both.This session will outline the key aspects of a comprehensive program with a focus on ensuring that the program is both practical and as cost efficient as possible.Learn about the key cleaning/disinfection principles that should guide the program, recommended best practice protocols, and how inspections should be incorporated to maximize success.
$30 member / $50 non-member
First Time Facility Manager Fee Waived - Please contact Stefany Aceves at StefanyA@paintersondemand.net to request registration and provide your business card to Stefany at the event
We sought out a fantastic and safe venue, with amazing food. The restaurant will be closed to the public and other groups during our event. With everyone's safety in mind, we will be adhering to strict CDC and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 and social distancing. Masks will be required except when you are seated and eating/drinking. Please refrain from handshakes and hugs...we know that's hard because we all want to show the love to our friends and colleagues, but it is the responsible thing to do, for now.
Don't miss this timely and important presentation!
Eddie V's Prime Seafood
4400 Boy Scout Blvd.
Tampa, FL
Thursday, October 8, 2020
11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Presentation and Lunch
Online registration only - payment in advance only
No registration or payments at the door
Deadline to Register is Friday, October 2, 2020
Members must sign in to the website before registering to get
the member rate
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