Join us for a STATE OF THE CHAPTER UPDATE from President, Amy Olson
and learn everything you need to know about
Corrosion Management for Fire Sprinkler Systems
Presenter: Bill Aaron, Director of Training at Engineered Corrosion Solutions
Bill has worked in the fire protection industry for over thirty years with experience in installation, project management, consultation, inspection, installation, and design of fire protection systems. Bill has a certification in Fire Alarm Systems from National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) Level IV, served on the NICET Board of Governors, and is a past chairman of the NICET Board of Governors. He served as a member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) technical committee for NFPA 2 and NFPA 720. He also served as a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Board of Directors and the NSPE House of Delegates.
Bill has been educating engineers’, sprinkler contractors, sprinkler fitters and property managers through ECS University and educational lunch-and-learn sessions since 2017.
This presentation discusses the science of corrosion in fire sprinkler systems. The benefits and practical application of using Nitrogen Gas to inert Wet Pipe, Dry Pipe and Preaction Fire Sprinkler Systems to prevent and manage internal corrosion. Under a nitrogen atmosphere, oxygen corrosion, which is the primary cause of corrosion related failures in sprinkler systems, can be completely controlled resulting in reduced risk (life safety, leak and business continuity), enhanced performance, and extended life of the fire sprinkler system. Excluding oxygen from both wet and dry (preaction) pipe fire sprinkler system piping by purging with nitrogen gas can reduce the corrosion rate in a fire sprinkler system by 99% and significantly extend the useful life of the piping.