Educational Luncheon
Topic: Workplace Trends of 2023
Speakers: Christopher Baglino and Blair Wisenbaker

Gensler is a global architecture, design, and planning firm with 53 locations and more than 7,000 professionals networked across the Americas, Europe, Greater China, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. Founded in 1965, the firm works globally with more than 4,000 clients across more than 29 practice areas spanning the work, lifestyle, community, and health sectors.
We look forward to welcoming Christopher Baglino and Blair Wisenbaker as our guest speakers. Christopher is a Senior Design Manager and Studio Director who leads workplace at Gensler and Blair is a Senior Designer and Strategist working with her clients to develop experiential design solutions.
They will be sharing Workplace Trends of 2023, including the latest findings from the Gensler Research Institute’s Global Workplace Survey Comparison 2023. These survey findings include key insights into how to build the future of work, including: how employee’s expectations and productivity needs are evolving, strategies to leverage the workplace as a supportive and engaging environment where employees choose to work, and real-world success stories where office experiences were successfully transformed to align with employee expectations.

$30 member / $50 non-member
Don't miss this timely and important presentation!
Maggiano's Little Italy
203 Westshore Plaza
Tampa, FL 33609
Thursday, September 14, 2023
11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Presentation and Lunch
Online registration only - payment in advance only
No registration or payments at the door
Deadline to Register is Friday, September 8, 2023
Members must sign in to the website before registering to get
the member rate
First Time Facility Manager Fee Waived - Please contact Stefany Aceves at to request registration and provide your business card to Stefany at the event.
All Professional Members can attend one luncheon FREE each fiscal year - Please contact Stefany Aceves at to request registration
Members are welcome to bring guests to most of our events - Professional Guests (Facility Managers and their teams) are unlimited - all others are limited to 2 per event. We appreciate your cooperation.
ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS - Did you know that each time you attend a chapter event your name is entered into the drawing for the ALL-EXPENSE PAID trip to World Workplace? The more you attend, the greater your chances to WIN! The award is made at our Member Appreciation event in June each year!!
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