Join Us for an Amazing Tour!
Thursday, February 8th 2024
The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art
150 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33701
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Tour, Light Bites and Networking
This is a timed event - please arrive early
Join us for an afternoon gathering to experience art that explores the rich history, cultures, and wildlife of the American West. Explore The James Museum collection led by knowledgeable docents. Our tour will include an overview of the museum, focusing on select works of art from each of the seven galleries.
The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art provides experiences that inspire human connection and transformation through art depicting the peoples, landscapes, and history of the American West, and wildlife of the world. More than 400 premier works of art including sculpture, paintings and jewelry are on display in the museum’s 26,000 square feet of gallery space. The museum engages the community through programs and educational opportunities, for all ages, that bring our history to life and amplify voices that are not often at the forefront of mainstream western art. Located in the heart of downtown St. Pete, the James Museum opened in April 2018 and has become one of the newest additions to St. Petersburg’s thriving arts community.
Parking: Museum Parking is available on Levels 3 & 4 of the automated South Core Parking Garage. Enter the garage behind the museum at 101 1st Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. The garage rate is $1/hour during regular operation.
Members and Guests - Register TODAY
Online registration only - no registrations at the door
Registration deadline: Monday, February 5th
Members must sign in to the website before registering

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First Time Facility Manager Fee Waived - Please contact Stefany Aceves at to request registration and provide your business card to Stefany at the event.
All Professional Members can attend one luncheon FREE each fiscal year - Please contact Stefany Aceves at to request registration
Members are welcome to bring guests to most of our events - Professional Guests (Facility Managers and their teams) are unlimited - all others are limited to 2 per event. We appreciate your cooperation.
ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS - Did you know that each time you attend a chapter event your name is entered into the drawing for the ALL-EXPENSE PAID trip to World Workplace? The more you attend, the greater your chances to WIN! The award is made at our Member Appreciation event in June each year!!